Stone Poets

New gigs….

Hi dear friends.
We just got back from shows on the Island and we had so much fun. Many thanks to Mal Roach for booking us in Victoria and Brian for booking us at the Corner lounge in Nanaimo. Also, big love to Alexander Watts for being the host with the most at the Corner Lounge. Such a fun night!
Have a great day!!
Love Cherelle, Marc and Scott

Listen and buy Smoke and Mirrors

Hi dear friends.
You can listen to and buy our album Smoke and Mirrors now.
Thank you for your support.
See you on the Island.

Listen to new Stone Poets here.
Buy the album here

Island – Victoria, Nanaimo shows

Hi everyone.
We are coming to the Island June 8th and would love to see you at a show.
Check our show page for details.
See you soon.

Purchase Smoke and Mirrors

You can now purchase Smoke and Mirrors from us or if you don’t have our other cds, we have a package deal now, 30.00 shipped to your door for 3 cds.

Heading to the Island

As part of our Smoke and Mirrors Western Canada tour, Stone Poets are heading to the Island.
We will have details soon so keep posted.
If you have a venue you’d like us to play at, send us a pm.
Have a great day.
Love Cherelle, Scott and Marc

Pics by Keith Clark

In case you’re wondering who took our pics that you see in the header sections, it’s by our talented friend Keith Clark.

PM him if you want to get photos done, he really does rock and in a kilt!

Smoke and Mirrors….now available

Order now… 15.00, e-transfer to

Supported by Creative BC and the Province of BC.  

The time has come…introducing Smoke and Mirrors

Pics by Keith Clark

 Our release of Smoke and Mirrors is this Saturday.

If you want to join us, please send a pm to

See you there.